
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Why Word and Sacrament ministry is so important

Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sermon: Trinity 25 Luke 17:20-30 Being Christian
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Christians are not perfect, yet they are saved. God looks for His righteousness not yours.

Sunday Nov 11, 2018
SERMON: Trinity 24: The object of faith.
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
Sunday Nov 11, 2018
We don't have faith in faith, we have faith in Christ as our only redeemer!

Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Episode 24
1. What is it to be "A Jew"?
2. What is a "Gentile Sinner"?
3. How is St. Paul rightly distinguishing Law and Gospel?
4. What about pot and getting stoned? Is it sinful?

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Reformation Day -Lutheran or Excuseran- Anchorage Alaska
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
2100 Boniface is mentioned. your Church address works too.

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Episode 23: Galatians 1:14-2:14
1. Paul's Gospel is from Christ, not man
2. He spends 3 years reading the Scriptures in light of Christ
3. He and Barnabas meet with the other Apostles
4. Paul accuses Peter of Hypocrisy
5. Listener question: How do we talk to our kids when their friends come out as gay?

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
EPISODE 22: Galatians 1:1-12 Background and the authority of Paul and his message
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
1. Background
2. Outline
3. Authority of St. Paul's Apostleship
4. Hang on to the truth and stay away from error
5. Authority of St. Paul's message

Monday Oct 08, 2018

Monday Oct 08, 2018

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Sermon: Whose Son is He? Whose Lord is He?
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Matthew:32-46 Jesus confesses His two Natures.